Home » , , , » AMANDA-- "I WAS A FOOL"


Written By amandathepanda on Friday, March 1, 2013 | 3/01/2013 07:00:00 AM

Hey readers! I discovered Canadian indie rockers and identical twin sisters Tegan and Sara in high school and have kept up with their music ever since. I was pleasantly surprised then to hear the first single "Closer" of their latest album Heartthrob, which signals a new direction for the band. If I had never heard them before, I might not have recognized the artist as Tegan and Sara.The thirty-three year olds wanted to change things up on their seventh record and boy did they. The quality of the singing and song-writing we've come to expect from them is there but in a shiny, new, synth package. The duo tackle classic themes of young love, lust, and heartbreak with a level of skill and maturity only experienced musicians can. This track, "I Was a Fool," has been stuck in my cranium for days now. It has a beat that you can dance or tap your foot to, a beautiful melody on piano, and excellent vocal harmonization. Tegan and Sara take turns singing but when their two voices merge and become one it's magic. The entire album is fun, playful, and thoughtful. I hope you'll check it out. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

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