Stuck In My Skull 489 -- "Save the World (Knife Party Remix)"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, January 31, 2014 | 1/31/2014 06:55:00 AM

Song: "Save the World (Knife Party Remix)" || Artist: Swedish House Mafia || Remixing Artist: Knife Party || ||
Comments: Good morning, everyone, and happy Friday! Today I thought I'd share with you a remix that was bouncing around in my head. Honestly, I've had the weirdest things stuck in my head this week. I had "Brand New Day" (Entry 196) from the soundtrack of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog stuck in my head for nearly an entire day, then went on a Knife Party kick with first "Bonfire" (which I thought I'd written about already) and then woke up with this. The two Knife Party songs both appear in their Ultra Music Festival 2013 set; Given the number of times I've listened to that, it's hardly surprising that I get songs like this stuck in my head.
Moving on, this song. I posted about the original track back in Entry 150 and really enjoy the unremixed version as well. The remix is a lot less mellow and has a much better dance beat, but the tempo changes stop it short of being a really danceable song. Despite this, it's an excellent remix. It flows seamlessly with the original beat and vocals but manages to spin it into an excellent dubstep tune. It's ridiculously popular, and for good reason: Knife Party knows how to make a track. This is hardly their only work with Swedish House Mafia either -- "Antidote" (Entry 136) was amazing, though my entry hardly did it justice. Take a listen, and enjoy the weekend!

Stuck In My Skull 488 -- "99 Problems"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, January 27, 2014 | 1/27/2014 08:49:00 AM

Song: "99 Problems" [Explicit] || Artist: Jay-Z || ||
Comments: Hello, everyone! I was originally going to write an entry on "Brand New Day" from the musical Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, but I quickly realized that I've already written about it. I clicked back to the main Youtube page and saw this song sitting there, and quickly realized this speaks nicely to my day thus far -- lots of things going wrong. Most people have heard at least one line from this song, but I've found that most haven't actually heard the entire song. For those who haven't, listen to it -- it's actually a very different song than most people think. The lyrics deal with racism and racist police, and don't actually have anything to do with girl problems as implied by the chorus. Also, it's a pretty darn good song; It's well-produced, catchy as heck, and I like it. Give it a listen!

Stuck In My Skull 487 -- "Cups"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, January 24, 2014 | 1/24/2014 06:47:00 AM

Song: "Cups" || Artist: Anna Kendrick || ||
Comments: Hello everyone, sorry for missing Monday and Wednesday. Life took me by surprise with how busy I've gotten. To top it off, I just started a martial arts class, and while I really enjoy it, I've felt all sorts of sore and beat up and tired the last few days. I'm going to try to write a few posts this weekend in case I get unexpectedly slammed again, so that I don't leave you wonderful people high and dry. In the mean time, let's talk about this song. Dear lord, is it catchy. I've had this song stuck in my head since I woke up this morning, and I figured it's time to spread this ear-worm to you all as well. Odds are you've heard it, but it's a simple, cheerful, smile-inducing song -- it's definitely worth another listen. Enjoy!

Stuck In My Skull 486 -- "Mode"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, January 17, 2014 | 1/17/2014 07:08:00 AM

Song: "Mode" || Artist: Bingo Players || ||
Comments: Happy Friday, everyone! Just keep it up through the rest of today, the week is almost over! To help you make it through today, have an amazing song. I just heard Bingo Players for the first time not too long ago when this song came up on a Pandora station I was listening to. Unfortunately, according to the Wikipedia page about this group, one of the two members recently passed away, and the band appears to be over. That's really sad, because Bingo Players have an awesome sound. I am in love with this song, it's so amazing. It really just makes me want to get up and dance. This is what house and dance music is supposed to sound like -- give it a listen, and enjoy the weekend!

Stuck In My Skull 485 -- "Through the Fire and Flames"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 | 1/15/2014 07:03:00 AM

Song: "Through the Fire and Flames" || Artist: Dragonforce || (short, video) || (long, lyrics) ||
Comments: Good morning everyone. I just got back from a run and I'm dragging a bit, so I figured it's time for some pulse-pounding, guitar-shredding, fingers-bleeding, so-beautifully-cheesy speed metal. I'm honestly shocked I've never used this song on here before, but better late than never. I've always thought that Dragonforce was more cheese than heartfelt, but that doesn't impede the catchiness of this song. That being said, I strongly recommend watching the lyric video instead of the actual music video which is notably shorter and cuts some parts. Dragonforce is known for their sound and trademark guitar solos, and nowhere is this more prevalent than in this -- perhaps their most famous -- song. Sadly, they switched vocalists in 2010 and I haven't heard nearly as much of their more recent work. This song, though, is vintage Dragonforce. Basically, it's cheesy and will wake you up better than coffee. If you haven't heard this, you should definitely check it out.

Stuck In My Skull 484 -- "Killin' It"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, January 13, 2014 | 1/13/2014 07:21:00 AM

Song: "Killin' It" || Artist: Krewella || ||
Comments: Good morning everyone! Over the weekend I spent some time listening to Krewella's various 'Troll Mixes,' and walked away from those several hours of dubstep with a weird combination of this song and a Pendulum track stuck in my head. This song might not feel like much at first listen, but the vocals make this song so incredibly catchy. It's not quite as bad as "Alive," thankfully -- I couldn't get that song out of my head for days. Flush with aggressive bass and in-your-face beats, this song makes me want to move. Check it out!

Stuck In My Skull 483 -- "Stupify"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, January 10, 2014 | 1/10/2014 07:23:00 AM

Song: "Stupify" || Artist: Disturbed || ||
Comments: Good morning and happy Friday, folks! Today I'm going to switch it up a bit, and drop into some really cheesy metal. I do, in fact, have this song stuck in my head at the time of writing this, and I really have no idea why. It's cheesy as at get out, I'll be the first to admit. In that sense, Disturbed is a victim of their own success. Disturbed and Disturbed-like sounds are so ubiquitous that they've become trite. Despite that and the cheesiness of it, I still enjoy Disturbed. I mean, this song is years old and it (and many Disturbed) songs still get played regularly on my local metal station. It just goes to show, cheesy does not mean bad. Enjoy!

Stuck In My Skull 482 -- "Anti Gravity"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 | 1/08/2014 08:39:00 AM

Song: "Anti Gravity" || Artist: Lindsey Stirling || ||
Comments: Good morning, everyone! Over the holidays I received Lindsey Stirling's album as a gift, and I am absolutely in love with it. This song in particular strikes me as deserving of more attention than it currently receives. Like pretty much everything she does, Lindsey Stirling put her heart into this song, and it shows. The beats make me want to dance, and the violin really does bring a smile to my face. Basically, this song is obscenely cheerful and will brighten your day -- give it a listen!

Stuck In My Skull 481 -- "Stayin' Alive" and free Röyksopp song!

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, January 6, 2014 | 1/06/2014 05:07:00 AM

Song: "Stayin' Alive" || Artist: Bee Gees || ||
Comments: Good morning everyone! Monday is here, and this funky disco song will help you through it. I have absolutely no idea why this song is stuck in my head, but I do know that it is painfully catchy. According to Wikipedia, this track was written for a movie called Saturday Night Fever, which I confess I haven't seen. Instead of the film it belongs to, I associate this song with a certain friend of mine, who found a ten-hour looped version of this song and strutted around dancing for well over an hour and a half. Despite how sick of it I got after hearing it for 90+ minutes in a row that one time, this song is good and deserves the praise it's gotten in the many years since it was released. The only thing I get hung up on is the lyrics -- nobody seems to know what the lines "We can try to understand / The New York Times effect on man" means. If you know, drop me a line and help me out. Enjoy!

Edit: I almost forgot. While I ended up not writing about it today, Röyksopp has a new song that they're giving away on their website. It's free, so download and enjoy!

Stuck In My Skull 480 -- "Ride Captain Ride"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, January 3, 2014 | 1/03/2014 08:16:00 AM

Song: "Ride Captain Ride" || Artist: Blues Image || ||
Comments: Good morning and happy Friday to everyone! This post was originally going to be a really cool track I found by Royksopp, but I haven't had a chance to really finish listening to it yet. Thankfully, I woke up with this tune stuck in my head. Actually, the chorus gets stuck in my head fairly often, and it's high time I wrote about it. I'll be the first to admit that as a general rule I don't particularly care for 'oldies,' and my knowledge of classic rock is sadly lacking. Whichever genre you want to call this, I love this song. It's upbeat and cheerful, while still somehow managing to put me in pleasant and relaxed state of mind. Not knowing much about this song, I had to look up the lyrics and read up on this track on Wikipedia, where I found that this band was essentially a one-hit wonder. I guess I won't be looking for much more of their stuff, but a quick search couldn't hurt. There's a good chance you've heard this song before, but even if you have, take a listen and enjoy. Have a great weekend, and check back Monday for a free song download!

Stuck In My Skull's New Years Post

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | 1/01/2014 12:09:00 PM

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you're all enjoying 2014 so far. I'm not posting a song today, I just want to take a moment to talk to everyone. When I first started this blog, I did it to share things that have me -- music that has moved me and songs that resonate in my soul. I did it to connect with people, and share that which I love with the world. Looking back on 2013, I'd say that went pretty darn well. I've had a lot of voices on this blog, and they've all been special, both to me and to Stuck In My Skull. I'd love to get more voices on the blog again -- each one has shaped Stuck In My Skull, and I can't wait to see where other voices could help take this blog. For the moment, I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing all along -- I'll share songs, talk with people, find music, and pass it along to you. I'd like to expand, as well: More authors, wider audience, further reach. I'd like to try new things as well. For example, Amanda floated an idea of compiling playlists, and that's an idea I'd love to see realized. I'm going to broaden my horizons as well. I'm going to read a lot more of Newt's posts over at This Beat is Newtricious.This Beat is Newtricious, and I can't wait to see what mashups and mixes he writes. I'm going to keep an ear on the Melodic Music Project. I'm going to find even more things to read, new people to listen to, new music to share. But no matter what does or doesn't happen, I'll keep writing. As long as you're willing to read, I'm willing to write. In short, buckle up your seatbelts and hold on -- it's going to be an exciting year.