Entry 63-- "Waiting for the End"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, September 30, 2011 | 9/30/2011 04:38:00 AM

Song: "Waiting for the End"
Artist: Linkin Park
Comments: This song is a single of the album "A Thousand Suns." Despite it sounding nothing like the 'old' Linkin Park, I like the album, and this song in particular. For what it's worth, I also think the video is pretty cool.

Entry 63-- "Waiting for the End"

Song: "Waiting for the End"
Artist: Linkin Park
Comments: This song is a single of the album "A Thousand Suns." Despite it sounding nothing like the 'old' Linkin Park, I like the album, and this song in particular. For what it's worth, I also think the video is pretty cool.

Entry 62-- "Teenage Dream"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Thursday, September 29, 2011 | 9/29/2011 04:35:00 AM

Song: "Teenage Dream"
Artist: Katy Perry
Comments: More and more, I realize that what actually goes on this blog isn't so much a song that's stuck in my head, but a song I want people to hear. Who am I to judge that? So, time to go back to basics. This song is stuck in my head, and that's what this blog is about. Hopefully you like it, and it gets stuck in yours too.

Entry 62-- "Teenage Dream"

Song: "Teenage Dream"
Artist: Katy Perry
Comments: More and more, I realize that what actually goes on this blog isn't so much a song that's stuck in my head, but a song I want people to hear. Who am I to judge that? So, time to go back to basics. This song is stuck in my head, and that's what this blog is about. Hopefully you like it, and it gets stuck in yours too.

Entry 61-- "Electroman"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 | 9/28/2011 05:03:00 AM

Song: "Electroman"
Artist: Benny Benassi feat. T-Pain
Comments: This has been stuck in my head on and off for three days-- it's incredibly addicting. Have fun!

Entry 61-- "Electroman"

Song: "Electroman"
Artist: Benny Benassi feat. T-Pain
Comments: This has been stuck in my head on and off for three days-- it's incredibly addicting. Have fun!

Entry 60-- "It's What I Want"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 | 9/27/2011 04:44:00 AM

Song: "It's What I Want"
Artist: Royksopp
Comments: What I want-- several more hours of sleep. As this song says, however: "It's what I want that's easy. It's getting it that's complicated." Anyway, I couldn't decide between this song, "Tricky Tricky" by Royksopp, or "Teardrop" by Massive Attack, but after listening to this song on my way to grab breakfast, I decided to use this one. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Entry 60-- "It's What I Want"

Song: "It's What I Want"
Artist: Royksopp
Comments: What I want-- several more hours of sleep. As this song says, however: "It's what I want that's easy. It's getting it that's complicated." Anyway, I couldn't decide between this song, "Tricky Tricky" by Royksopp, or "Teardrop" by Massive Attack, but after listening to this song on my way to grab breakfast, I decided to use this one. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Entry 59-- "Percussion Gun"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, September 26, 2011 | 9/26/2011 04:59:00 AM

Song: "Percussion Gun"
Artist: White Rabbits
Comments: White Rabbits is a relatively obscure band, obscure enough that I've heard a grand total of three of their songs, all three of which I love. White Rabbits have a very, very distinct sound, which comes through clearly in this song. Happy listening!

Entry 59-- "Percussion Gun"

Song: "Percussion Gun"
Artist: White Rabbits
Comments: White Rabbits is a relatively obscure band, obscure enough that I've heard a grand total of three of their songs, all three of which I love. White Rabbits have a very, very distinct sound, which comes through clearly in this song. Happy listening!

Entry 58-- New Spins Week, Part 5: "The Time (Dirty Bit)"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, September 23, 2011 | 9/23/2011 05:45:00 AM

New Spins Week, Part 5
Song: "The Time (Dirty Bit)"
Artist: The Black Eyed Peas
Spin on: "Time of my Life" by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes
http://youtu.be/JwQZQygg3Lk (Spin)
http://youtu.be/QUoDaCH1MJM (Original)
Comments: Sorry I'm running a tad late today; I promise this won't become a regular occurance. This song was originally written for the movie "Dirty Dancing," recorded by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes in 1987. Twenty-three years later, The Black Eyed Peas went to town on this song, mixing it into their 'Dirty Bit' version. True to their musical style, the Peas made 'Dirty Bit' into a party-ready, electro-pop sounding, upbeat tune. While it retains most of the lyrics and the melody of the original, they are different enough to not be confused for each other after the first few seconds. 'Dirty Bit' is the essence of a good remix-- a switch of styles, a catchy new spin on the original beat, and in this case, a heaping spoonful of electronic goodness. Hopefully you enjoyed New Spins Week. If anyone has an idea for a new theme week, or a song they want me to use, let me know! Have a good weekend, and enjoy the song!

Entry 58-- New Spins Week, Part 5: "The Time (Dirty Bit)"

New Spins Week, Part 5
Song: "The Time (Dirty Bit)"
Artist: The Black Eyed Peas
Spin on: "Time of my Life" by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes
http://youtu.be/JwQZQygg3Lk (Spin)
http://youtu.be/QUoDaCH1MJM (Original)
Comments: Sorry I'm running a tad late today; I promise this won't become a regular occurance. This song was originally written for the movie "Dirty Dancing," recorded by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes in 1987. Twenty-three years later, The Black Eyed Peas went to town on this song, mixing it into their 'Dirty Bit' version. True to their musical style, the Peas made 'Dirty Bit' into a party-ready, electro-pop sounding, upbeat tune. While it retains most of the lyrics and the melody of the original, they are different enough to not be confused for each other after the first few seconds. 'Dirty Bit' is the essence of a good remix-- a switch of styles, a catchy new spin on the original beat, and in this case, a heaping spoonful of electronic goodness. Hopefully you enjoyed New Spins Week. If anyone has an idea for a new theme week, or a song they want me to use, let me know! Have a good weekend, and enjoy the song!

Entry 57-- New Spins Week, Part 4: "Feeling Good"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Thursday, September 22, 2011 | 9/22/2011 07:35:00 AM

New Spins Week, Part 4
Song: "Feeling Good"
Artist: Muse
Spin on: "Feeling Good" by Nina Simone
http://youtu.be/5PN6egPgazA (Spin)
http://youtu.be/h8tuTSi6Sck (Original)
Comments: Sorry about the late post, everyone-- I'm pretty sick. But enough about me, this is a blog about music. Today's music: the song "Feeling Good." As best as I can tell, this song was originally done by Nina Simone, and covered by more artists than I care to name. (If I'm wrong about the original artist, let me know, and I'll post a correction.) Of all the versions and covers that I've encountered, I prefer the one by Muse. The megaphone used in the vocals is a nice touch, and I think it sounds really, really cool. I'd be interested to see if anyone reading this has a version of this song they like better. If you know a cover or a spin on this song you think people should hear, let me know and I'll pass it along. As a side note, the version I posted was recorded live at Wembley Stadium. If you want to hear the official, studio-perfect music video version, you can find it at http://youtu.be/CmwRQqJsegw. Enjoy the music!

Entry 57-- New Spins Week, Part 4: "Feeling Good"

New Spins Week, Part 4
Song: "Feeling Good"
Artist: Muse
Spin on: "Feeling Good" by Nina Simone
http://youtu.be/5PN6egPgazA (Spin)
http://youtu.be/h8tuTSi6Sck (Original)
Comments: Sorry about the late post, everyone-- I'm pretty sick. But enough about me, this is a blog about music. Today's music: the song "Feeling Good." As best as I can tell, this song was originally done by Nina Simone, and covered by more artists than I care to name. (If I'm wrong about the original artist, let me know, and I'll post a correction.) Of all the versions and covers that I've encountered, I prefer the one by Muse. The megaphone used in the vocals is a nice touch, and I think it sounds really, really cool. I'd be interested to see if anyone reading this has a version of this song they like better. If you know a cover or a spin on this song you think people should hear, let me know and I'll pass it along. As a side note, the version I posted was recorded live at Wembley Stadium. If you want to hear the official, studio-perfect music video version, you can find it at http://youtu.be/CmwRQqJsegw. Enjoy the music!

Entry 56-- New Spins Week, Part 3: "Clocks"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 | 9/21/2011 04:26:00 AM

New Spins Week, Part 3
Song: "Clocks"
Artist: Royksopp
Spin on: "Clocks" by Coldplay
http://youtu.be/OVPJMMwzIC8 (Spin)
http://youtu.be/vKw7yvoZ-Tg (Original)
Comments: Unlike the first two songs featured in this series, this song is a straight remix-- no sampling, no vocal alterations, just a pure remix of an existing song. I'm a pretty harsh critic of remixes, and finding one that I actually like is generally impossible, but this remix pulls it off with amazing style. Enjoy!

Entry 56-- New Spins Week, Part 3: "Clocks"

New Spins Week, Part 3
Song: "Clocks"
Artist: Royksopp
Spin on: "Clocks" by Coldplay
http://youtu.be/OVPJMMwzIC8 (Spin)
http://youtu.be/vKw7yvoZ-Tg (Original)
Comments: Unlike the first two songs featured in this series, this song is a straight remix-- no sampling, no vocal alterations, just a pure remix of an existing song. I'm a pretty harsh critic of remixes, and finding one that I actually like is generally impossible, but this remix pulls it off with amazing style. Enjoy!

Entry 55-- New Spins Week, Part 2: "The Show Goes On"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 | 9/20/2011 04:37:00 AM

New Spins Week, Part 2
Song: "The Show Goes On"
Artist: Lupe Fiasco
Spin on: "Float On" by Modest Mouse
http://youtu.be/Rmp6zIr5y4U (Spin)
http://youtu.be/CTAud5O7Qqk (Original)
Comments: This is not the first time I've mentioned the original song in this entry-- I covered it way back in Entry 31 (http://stuckinmyskull.blogspot.com/2011/08/entry-31-float-on.html). At the time, I was apprehensive and not totally convinced of the value of this spin. Sure, it has a feel-good message that a bunch of people out there undoubtedly benefit from and need to hear, but I wasn't sure if it musically lived up to the awesomeness of the original. After some consideration-- and a lot of time in which this song grew on me-- I've decided it does. This song is interesting as a spin because, unlike several of the songs that I'm going to use this week, it doesn't vocally sample the original, and edits the beats it does sample quite a bit. But I digress from my music nerd spiel-- enjoy the song!

Entry 55-- New Spins Week, Part 2: "The Show Goes On"

New Spins Week, Part 2
Song: "The Show Goes On"
Artist: Lupe Fiasco
Spin on: "Float On" by Modest Mouse
http://youtu.be/Rmp6zIr5y4U (Spin)
http://youtu.be/CTAud5O7Qqk (Original)
Comments: This is not the first time I've mentioned the original song in this entry-- I covered it way back in Entry 31 (http://stuckinmyskull.blogspot.com/2011/08/entry-31-float-on.html). At the time, I was apprehensive and not totally convinced of the value of this spin. Sure, it has a feel-good message that a bunch of people out there undoubtedly benefit from and need to hear, but I wasn't sure if it musically lived up to the awesomeness of the original. After some consideration-- and a lot of time in which this song grew on me-- I've decided it does. This song is interesting as a spin because, unlike several of the songs that I'm going to use this week, it doesn't vocally sample the original, and edits the beats it does sample quite a bit. But I digress from my music nerd spiel-- enjoy the song!

Entry 54-- New Spins Week, Part 1: "Stronger"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, September 19, 2011 | 9/19/2011 04:27:00 AM

New Spins Week, Part 1
Song: "Stronger"
Artist: Kanye West
Spin on: "Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger" by Daft Punk
http://youtu.be/PsO6ZnUZI0g (Spin)
http://youtu.be/gAjR4_CbPpQ (Original)
Comments: Welcome to New Spins week-- a five-day series of awesome remixes and the songs they came from. Today's song-- Kanye West's "Stronger", a mix on the Daft Punk song "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger."
Now, there's a story here. I used to truly hate "Stronger." I was always saying "Kanye got ahold of a Daft Punk song and screwed it up, and now people like his piece of crap better." I got over that, for a few reasons. First, I grew up. Second, I quit hating Kanye and his entire genre. Third and most importantly, I realized that starting at 0:45, Kanye is thanking Daft Punk in song for the original version. Having gotten over my hate, I started really enjoying this song, and I hope that you will too.

Entry 54-- New Spins Week, Part 1: "Stronger"

New Spins Week, Part 1
Song: "Stronger"
Artist: Kanye West
Spin on: "Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger" by Daft Punk
http://youtu.be/PsO6ZnUZI0g (Spin)
http://youtu.be/gAjR4_CbPpQ (Original)
Comments: Welcome to New Spins week-- a five-day series of awesome remixes and the songs they came from. Today's song-- Kanye West's "Stronger", a mix on the Daft Punk song "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger."
Now, there's a story here. I used to truly hate "Stronger." I was always saying "Kanye got ahold of a Daft Punk song and screwed it up, and now people like his piece of crap better." I got over that, for a few reasons. First, I grew up. Second, I quit hating Kanye and his entire genre. Third and most importantly, I realized that starting at 0:45, Kanye is thanking Daft Punk in song for the original version. Having gotten over my hate, I started really enjoying this song, and I hope that you will too.

Entry 53-- "Butterflies and Hurricanes"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, September 16, 2011 | 9/16/2011 04:27:00 AM

Song: "Butterfiles and Hurricanes"
Artist: Muse
Comments: Oh, Muse. More importantly, Matt Bellamy's falsetto is just so ridiculous. One note of that voice, and you know you're listening to Muse. I love this song. I'd put the actual music video up, but it's so quiet you can't really hear the song, so I opted for the live version instead. Enjoy, and have a good weekend!

Entry 53-- "Butterflies and Hurricanes"

Song: "Butterfiles and Hurricanes"
Artist: Muse
Comments: Oh, Muse. More importantly, Matt Bellamy's falsetto is just so ridiculous. One note of that voice, and you know you're listening to Muse. I love this song. I'd put the actual music video up, but it's so quiet you can't really hear the song, so I opted for the live version instead. Enjoy, and have a good weekend!

Entry 52-- "Memento Mori"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Thursday, September 15, 2011 | 9/15/2011 04:22:00 AM

Song: "Memento Mori"
Artist: Kamelot
Comments: I hate doing this, but I'm using one of my favourite songs ever as filler. As I write this, I feel incredibly terrible, and am quite simply not up to writing anything verbose or covering anything new. "Memento Mori" is an excellent song, but long. Enjoy!

Entry 52-- "Memento Mori"

Song: "Memento Mori"
Artist: Kamelot
Comments: I hate doing this, but I'm using one of my favourite songs ever as filler. As I write this, I feel incredibly terrible, and am quite simply not up to writing anything verbose or covering anything new. "Memento Mori" is an excellent song, but long. Enjoy!

Entry 51-- "Mr. Saxobeat"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 | 9/14/2011 04:14:00 AM

Song: "Mr. Saxobeat"
Artist: Alexandra Stan
Comments: "You make me move, Mr. Saxobeat." I have no idea how this song didn't come to my attention sooner, and I can thank my friend Marilyn for making sure that I didn't miss it completey. This song is epic-- unbelievably catchy, and very well done. The beat is original and the lyrics, while trite, flow wonderfully.

Also, I now have over 50 entries and 600 views. Holy synthesizers. Thank you all so much-- you are awesome! As always, if you know a song, let me know!

Entry 51-- "Mr. Saxobeat"

Song: "Mr. Saxobeat"
Artist: Alexandra Stan
Comments: "You make me move, Mr. Saxobeat." I have no idea how this song didn't come to my attention sooner, and I can thank my friend Marilyn for making sure that I didn't miss it completey. This song is epic-- unbelievably catchy, and very well done. The beat is original and the lyrics, while trite, flow wonderfully.

Also, I now have over 50 entries and 600 views. Holy synthesizers. Thank you all so much-- you are awesome! As always, if you know a song, let me know!

Entry 50-- "Don't Fear the Reaper"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 | 9/13/2011 04:40:00 AM

Song: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Artist: Blue Oyster Cult
Comments: I woke up this morning, and I wasn't across the room to my alarm clock before this song was stuck in my head. Congrats, song, you just jumped the cue and went immediately to blog. Beautiful song-- check it out.

Entry 50-- "Don't Fear the Reaper"

Song: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Artist: Blue Oyster Cult
Comments: I woke up this morning, and I wasn't across the room to my alarm clock before this song was stuck in my head. Congrats, song, you just jumped the cue and went immediately to blog. Beautiful song-- check it out.

Entry 49-- "On Mercury"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, September 12, 2011 | 9/12/2011 04:13:00 AM

Song: "On Mercury"
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Comments: This song is so unbelievably catchy-- and it has a trumpet that I just can't get enough. RHCP are masters of their craft, and this song clearly and oh, so beautifully reflects that. "Lemon trees on mercury..."

Entry 49-- "On Mercury"

Song: "On Mercury"
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Comments: This song is so unbelievably catchy-- and it has a trumpet that I just can't get enough. RHCP are masters of their craft, and this song clearly and oh, so beautifully reflects that. "Lemon trees on mercury..."

Entry 48-- "Strobe"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, September 9, 2011 | 9/09/2011 04:25:00 AM

Song: "Strobe"
Artist: Deadmau5
Comments: Somehow, when I was first learning about the wonderful world of electronic music, I managed to miss Deadmau5. I don't know how. And after listening to this song, I regret not learning about Deadmau5 sooner-- "Strobe" is simply beautiful. Heads up-- if you're short on time, listen later; Strobe is a long song. Enjoy your weekend!

Entry 48-- "Strobe"

Song: "Strobe"
Artist: Deadmau5
Comments: Somehow, when I was first learning about the wonderful world of electronic music, I managed to miss Deadmau5. I don't know how. And after listening to this song, I regret not learning about Deadmau5 sooner-- "Strobe" is simply beautiful. Heads up-- if you're short on time, listen later; Strobe is a long song. Enjoy your weekend!

Entry 47-- "Where I Belong"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Thursday, September 8, 2011 | 9/08/2011 04:25:00 AM

Entry 47
Song: "Where I Belong"
Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Comments: I love this song. A good friend of mine showed me this artist, and I quite promptly fell in love. Insturmental, and a major change from my usual listening material, but totally amazing.

Entry 47-- "Where I Belong"

Entry 47
Song: "Where I Belong"
Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Comments: I love this song. A good friend of mine showed me this artist, and I quite promptly fell in love. Insturmental, and a major change from my usual listening material, but totally amazing.

Entry 46-- "Can't Stop"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 | 9/07/2011 05:00:00 AM

Song: "Can't Stop"
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Comments: Sorry this is going up later than normal-- insert excuse here. I absolutely love this song, and everything about it. The video is also pretty epic. Check it out!

Entry 46-- "Can't Stop"

Song: "Can't Stop"
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Comments: Sorry this is going up later than normal-- insert excuse here. I absolutely love this song, and everything about it. The video is also pretty epic. Check it out!

Entry 45-- "Lateralus"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 | 9/06/2011 04:30:00 AM

Song: "Lateralus"
Artist: Tool
http://youtu.be/wS7CZIJVxFY (Awesome, somewhat educational video)
http://youtu.be/EDlC7oG_2W4 (Normal video)
Comments: The first video listed is actually someone's project for a class explaining the Fibonacci sequence in the song, and is completely amazing, more than a little shocking, and has some really epic pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope. The second video is just trippy. The song is amazing-- enjoy!

Entry 45-- "Lateralus"

Song: "Lateralus"
Artist: Tool
http://youtu.be/wS7CZIJVxFY (Awesome, somewhat educational video)
http://youtu.be/EDlC7oG_2W4 (Normal video)
Comments: The first video listed is actually someone's project for a class explaining the Fibonacci sequence in the song, and is completely amazing, more than a little shocking, and has some really epic pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope. The second video is just trippy. The song is amazing-- enjoy!

Entry 44-- "Rainbow Veins"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, September 5, 2011 | 9/05/2011 04:24:00 AM

Song: "Rainbow Veins"
Artist: Owl City
Comments: I find that this song, and the artist in general, have a tendency to be rather polarizing-- either you love or hate Owl City. I fall into the 'love' category, and I woke up with this stuck in my head. That works out quite nicely, as I didn't have a post planned for today. This song was my first exposure to Owl City, and it turned me on to a wonderful artist-- I invite you to listen to this song and see what you think! To my US readers-- happy Labor Day!

Entry 44-- "Rainbow Veins"

Song: "Rainbow Veins"
Artist: Owl City
Comments: I find that this song, and the artist in general, have a tendency to be rather polarizing-- either you love or hate Owl City. I fall into the 'love' category, and I woke up with this stuck in my head. That works out quite nicely, as I didn't have a post planned for today. This song was my first exposure to Owl City, and it turned me on to a wonderful artist-- I invite you to listen to this song and see what you think! To my US readers-- happy Labor Day!

Entry 43-- "In the Dark"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, September 2, 2011 | 9/02/2011 04:21:00 AM

Song: "In the Dark"
Artist: Tiesto
Comments: I'm fairly sure Christian Burns should be getting recognition for this song-- at least in part-- but he doesn't show up as a featured artist or anything, so I'm going to go with the official version and not put him in the Artist block. This song is epic-- one of my all time favourite songs in the genre-- hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I do!

Entry 43-- "In the Dark"

Song: "In the Dark"
Artist: Tiesto
Comments: I'm fairly sure Christian Burns should be getting recognition for this song-- at least in part-- but he doesn't show up as a featured artist or anything, so I'm going to go with the official version and not put him in the Artist block. This song is epic-- one of my all time favourite songs in the genre-- hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I do!

Entry 42-- "Scatman"

Written By Christopher Audiophile on Thursday, September 1, 2011 | 9/01/2011 04:16:00 AM

Song: "Scatman"
Artist: John Scatman
Comments: This song, regardless of what the name implies, is clean. World, I am sorry. There is a very good chance this is going to be stuck in your head.

Entry 42-- "Scatman"

Song: "Scatman"
Artist: John Scatman
Comments: This song, regardless of what the name implies, is clean. World, I am sorry. There is a very good chance this is going to be stuck in your head.