Written By amandathepanda on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 | 9/18/2013 08:20:00 AM

Good morning all! As I'm writing this post, I'm very excited because I'm going to take the opportunity to talk about something I consider important. Stuck In My Skull is and always will be first and foremost a music blog but now and then I like to have a little more depth to my posts. Until now, I've neglected to say anything at all about Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines." Whether you love it, hate it, or don't care, there's no denying it's gotten quite a lot of attention the last few months-negative and positive. I'm not here to tout my own views or push any kind of agenda on people but as a female and all-around person I largely agree with the feminist assessment of it as overtly misogynistic, rape-y, and just plain creepy. Nothing happens in a vacuum, not even pop music. In a society where sexual harassment and assault (of women predominately) are prevalent, it really perturbs me to see this song sitting at the top of the charts. Feel free to disagree as is your right. There are too many issues with "Blurred Lines" between the lyrics, rated and unrated music videos, and the comments Thicke has made about his motives for it to be remotely agreeable to my ears. The controversy has spawned several feminist parodies, including today's video and my personal favorite: "Defined Lines" by the Law Revue Girls, a student group from Auckland University. I'm almost certainly biased here but I enjoy the heck out of it. For one, the parody reverses the genders to make a point about sexism. I don't think meeting objectification with objectification is the answer but given the outrage from many men, I'd say it worked to an extent. It's also just refreshing to see Thicke directly called out for his actions and the message in his song countered with one that promotes female sexual agency, gender equality, and consent, which the music industry, and the world, could use more of. Warning: the filter and clothes come off, so better to save this one for home guys. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

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