ETC #49 "Up Through the Ashes"
Written By Anonymous on Thursday, January 31, 2013 | 1/31/2013 05:00:00 AM
[Secret Sounds] ~ Day One - Lunar Orbit
Written By Relinquish on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 | 1/30/2013 08:22:00 PM
Artist: Day One
Download: FREE
Nowadays, many EDM producers like to say they "press buttons and make music." Some of them make music, while others make art. One of these artists is the underappreciated Day One, currently a student at Oxford University. His music reflects inspiration, careful thought, and a profound mastery of music theory.
The tune Lunar Orbit is a gentle giant, with its graceful melodies and big bass. The arpeggiation builds on harmony line, setting the stage for the piano melody. Day One works up to the drop with subtlely, like a swell, without any blaring chromatic rises or rapid percussion. After the drop, the tune glides seamlessly from section to section. The layers weave in and out over the wobbling bass--yet never in interference--creating a beautiful and hypnotizing ambiance. Slowly, the other layers drop out leaving only the piano, as the track ends on a non-I chord, giving the listener pause and striking the sense of longing that the piece gives. Hats off to Day One for a poignant and captivating song!
(The visualization in the video is pretty trippy too, also in a subtle way.)
ETC #48 "Rainy Season and Everybody..."
Written By Anonymous on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 | 1/29/2013 05:00:00 AM
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, January 28, 2013 | 1/28/2013 09:34:00 PM
Derp -- I posted this today... to our Wordpress. No, that's just me being silly. Stay with us at our blogger site!
[Secret Sounds] ~ Vexare - The Clockmaker
Artist: Vexare
Download: iTunes
I'm writing about Vexare today in honor of his recent 17th birthday. That's right, this young producer just turned only 17. Despite his young age, he already has a style that all his own, with the typical grittiness of dubstep but salient melodies and certain chaos that both perplexes and enchants.
The Clockmaker is especially a melodic gem, with a line so lyrical, yet it would confound any vocalist. The quiet opening of ambient crackles, bird chirps and piano chords draw you in before Vexare brings in the 3rd-beat kick and lays it on heavy. As the drop hits, the melody takes an unexpected jump up and never relents even through the filth. The syncopation in the percussion, as well as the bass shudders, make the chorus even more interesting, and the momentary pause for the clock ticks really brings the piece together, giving it that like extra bump. (In an earlier version, the clock ticks had not yet been incorporated, and the difference is profound.) In the second drop, Vexare varies the melody, letting it really sing out through the chaos. Yet, despite the chaotic sound, one can tell that thought and care was put into every note and beat, with expert mastering. The coda brings some light voice sounds backing and a slow minor descent as the piano chords get lower and lower. This track (and the whole EP) is a prime indicator of Vexare potential (and ability) as a producer, and is unforgettable.
Stuck In My Skull 373 -- "How You Like Me Now?"
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, January 25, 2013 | 1/25/2013 06:00:00 AM
Song. What's not to love about this song? The instrumentation is fantastic, with those horns that I've been digging lately (since yesterday). The guitars on this track are just right, complementing the vocals, and the thing they do (or is it the keyboards?) on the third beat is just fantastic. The drumming seals the deal with that groove-able beat that just makes you move. And the vocals? Love 'em. Enjoy!
ETC #47 "The Diary of Jane"
Stuck In My Skull 372 -- "Boss Taurus"
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Thursday, January 24, 2013 | 1/24/2013 06:00:00 AM
Note: I checked this band on wikipedia:
Mucca Pazza is a 30 piece self-described "circus punk marching band" based in Chicago. The band, whose name comes from the Italian for "crazy cow" which is also a name for the Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, has been performing in and around the Chicago area for over seven years. Their repertoire ranges from Balkan-brass to covers of 60's television show themes as well as themes from Shostakovich and Bartok. They have performed nationally at many well known venues and concerts including McCarren Park Pool, True/False Film Festival,Looptopia, Lollapalooza, Rothbury Music Festival, Tour de Fat, Theatre Bizarre, and were featured on Late Night with Conan O'Brien in 2006.
ETC #46 "Every Storm"
~ ~
[Secret Sounds] ~ Seven Lions - Days to Come feat. Fiora (Culture Code Remix)
Written By Relinquish on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 | 1/23/2013 08:24:00 PM
Artist: Seven Lions
Download: FREE
This song is the very definition of "stuck in my skull." In my veins. In my bones. This song infiltrated my existence two months ago and has not let up. This song has echoed in my sleep. This song has changed my worldview, struggled through trials with me, and has influenced my life decisions.
This song is Days to Come by Seven Lions, and the especially beautiful remix by Culture Code. This track served as the subject of a recent Beatport contest; such contests are trending because they are an excellent way to promote both the original tune and new artists who work hard to really show their stuff in the remix contest. Culture Code is one such duo who have tried their hands at several remix contests to build a fanbase before producing their own tracks; their first original was released this month. Kudos to both Seven Lions (with Fiora) and Culture Code for the transcendence of this track.
The tune is both ethereal and structured. Fiora's soprano vocals in the heart-rending harmony splits never overpower throughout the song, but rather give an almost ghostlike feeling. Later, piano chords usher in the muffled vocals, which gradually come into focus as if waking from a dream. This builds to a huge drop which doesn't let you smack into the ground, but rather gives you a parachute as you float through the endless blue sky of the melody. The masterful work with the reverb and mixing of the vocal lines carries the song from start to finish through the buildup, the turns, and the climax. The traditional 120BPM heartbeat of dubstep serves as palatable structure for sustained strings and vocals--the rolling vicissitudes of this raw, human sound.
Quietly, I'll keep you close to me...
Quietly, I can feel you in my dreaming...
Stuck In My Skull 371 -- "Rabiosa"
Edit: Whooops, sorry about that, and forgive my cultural assumptions. Shakira had a son, not a daughter. My bad!
ETC #45 "Silencio" and "Vuelvo a ti"
Written By Anonymous on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 | 1/22/2013 08:00:00 AM
Right, so now to get to today's blog. I did say that I was going to bring around some variety for today's post. Even though this is still pop music I am delivering some Spanish.
[Secret Sounds] ~ Banzai Kitten - Anymore Today
Written By Relinquish on Monday, January 21, 2013 | 1/21/2013 08:40:00 PM
Artist: Banzai Kitten
Download: FREE [Soundcloud]
Greetings! Relinquish here. It's a pleasure to be aboard Stuck in My Skull now. This post will be two-pronged: first, the featured song, and second, and introductory note about this column, Secret Sounds.
Banzai Kitten, a four-piece rock outfit based in Lima (Peru), gets its name from the urban legend of kittens grown in jars by some crazy Japanese folks. Recently, this band been cooking up new jams on some upgraded instruments, including bassist Jorge Bayona's electric upright. The tune Anymore Today opens with a great swing guitar riff, catchy and easily hummable. Then enter the crisp vocals of the band's frontman, Alvaro Bayona. The seamless songwriting glides from chord to chord, expertly guided by the bass. A splash of accordion in the chorus rounds out the texture, and later it coasts into violin line and a smooth sax solo in the bridge, both performed by Alvaro. The track closes the same way it started, with that crooning guitar riff. With interesting instrumentation, spot-on vocals, and agreeable chord progression, this tune by Banzai Kitten is really a treat for the ears.
[A note about Secret Sounds: This column will focus on bands, producers, and artists who haven't yet experienced their big breakthrough. Many of these musicians have built from the ground up and rely on the power of the internet to disseminate their beats. Therefore, I would like to provide some external links to the artists, which can be found in the artist name, embedded song, and sometimes the download. If you enjoy the tune, a Facebook like, Youtube subcription, or even a simple share could change their careers! (Especially if you can't afford to buy the track.) If you connect with the song, I hope you can also connect with the artist in some way. To facilitate this, I'll try my best to include cool facts about the artist the track. Thanks!]
Stuck In My Skull 370 -- "White" and Announcements!
Comments: Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, welcome back to Stuck In My Skull on Blogger! Today is a huge day for all of us, so let's get some announcements out of the way before we get any farther.
First and most obvious, we are now back on Blogger, and thrilled to be here!
Second, Blogger might look a tad different than when we left. Actually, it should look majorly different. Because I don't know when to quit and give up, my quest for the ultimate template and site design lead me to teach myself some rudimentary HTML, get my hands on a theme I sort of liked (check the attribution at the bottom of the page), and rip that sucker to shreds. We're talking at least eight hours spent keyboard-deep in some seriously massive code that I more-or-less understand, editing everything. What did I learn? Weird designs for Blogger templates are hard to find, and I don't want to be a webmaster. But none of that matters -- we are all very happy to be back, and very happy to have you back with us!
Third, "we" now is a little differnet. Stuck In My Skull is thrilled to welcome new author Laura to the party! Amanda has decided to take a break from blogging for a bit, but this hiatus is only temporary -- our tagline (that's different too!) says four bloggers, and means it!
Fourth, our schedules have shifted around a bit! I'm still posting each weekday, but Miriah has changed her days to Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday so Laura can post Monday and Wednesday. Miriah tells me she plans to do something interesting on one of her days, so keep an eye (and ear) open!
Lastly, look up. That's no YouTube video! When Laura joined us, one of the first thing she asked me was 'Can we embed Soundcloud?' and it turns out, yes, we can!
And on that note, let's talk about Soundcloud so prettily embedded in this post. (Did you notice it says download?) I have never heard of Nocolor, and that really annoys me, because this song is fantastic. "White" is an excellent album with a good beat, a catchy melody, and some fantastic arrangement. My foot is tapping as I write this, because it just can't resist this infectious beat. And I love the piano bit at about 50 seconds in and the synth that follows it. I just can't get enough of this track. Enjoy!
Guess What?
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Sunday, January 20, 2013 | 1/20/2013 04:48:00 PM
Stuck In My Skull 369 -- "Roses"
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, January 18, 2013 | 1/18/2013 12:00:00 AM
Comments: Oh, this song. I have to thank Amanda here for showing me this song originally. While Outkast generally isn't my kind of sound, I admit that this song is tongue-in-cheek lyrical excellence with a catchy beat to back it up. I highly recommend it. Enjoy, and enjoy the weekend!
Remember: On Monday, we'll be at!
ETC #45 "Candyman"
Artist: Christina Aguilera
Comments: HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope that you all have had a good week. I originally had a Spanish song planned for today, but my friend and I were having a discussion at dinner that somehow led to Christina Aguilera and now I can't get this song out of my head. This is an old one from Ms. Aguilera, but all too catchy. It also does a fantastic job at showing off the strength in her voice. I have to say even if her lyrics aren't always clean her voice is. She is one artist that I will always admire for her vocals. I will provide a change up of genre on Monday, folks. Until then, happy listening!
Written By amandathepanda on Thursday, January 17, 2013 | 1/17/2013 07:17:00 AM
Stuck In My Skull 368 -- "Spontaneous Me"
Comments: Happy Thursday! Two more days until the weekend! What are you doing this weekend? I have no idea what I'm doing, so I suspect I'll just be... spontaneous. I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist the set-up. Anywho, "Spontaneous Me" is a lovely track -- a bright, vibrant, cheerful violin full of vintage Lindsey Stirling spirit layered on top of some bass that makes me headphones pulse in just the right way to get me moving. Lindsey Stirling is simply amazing. While this song is not nearly as well known has her infamous 'dubstep violin' hits "Elements" and "Crystallize," "Spontaneous Me" is Lindsey Stirling doing what she loves to do -- rock us.
Remember: On Monday we'll be back at!
Stuck In My Skull 367 -- "Default"
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 | 1/16/2013 12:00:00 AM
Comments: Props to Alex D-B for tossing me this little ditty, and oh, is it interesting. I haven't heard a sound like this before, and I'm really liking it. It sounds eclectic and almost acoustic, which makes no sense, because I know full well this isn't acoustic, but that's what it reminds me of. The video is artistic in the sense of "look at all that paint!" and I love it too. In short, I love everything about this song, so thanks to Alex! Now go listen!
Remember: We're moving to on Monday! Update your bookmarks!
ETC #44 "Cuckoo"
Artist: Adam Lambert
Comments: Hey, guys. I'm sorry to say I don't have anything to say today. I've been a bit of a recluse musically the last few days because life is being...well, life. This song, however, has still managed to keep itself stuck in my head. It's more of one I would want to provide on a Friday to get you pumped for the weekend, but that's not crucial. Here it is and happy listening.
Written By amandathepanda on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 | 1/15/2013 02:00:00 AM
Stuck In My Skull 366 -- "I Want You, But I Don't Need You"
Comments: I found this song by way of a cover done by Amanda Palmer, that my friend Amanda C. showed me. Thanks, Amanda! This song is excellent. Witty, cheerful, and still deep enough to hit me where it counts, I love this song. Its wordplay is bright and well-done, and the lyrics are so depressing, but the song is so good! Enjoy!
Remember, as of Monday, we will be back at Update your bookmarks!
Stuck In My Skull 365 -- "Summit" and Announcement!
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, January 14, 2013 | 1/14/2013 12:00:00 AM
Comments: Happy Monday, everyone! To kick off the week, how about some old Skrillex, recently improved with the addition of a new video! "Summit" is very chill, and not nearly so aggressive as most of the tracks Skrillex produces. The touch of Ellie Goulding makes this already decent track downright pretty. This song is calming, makes me smile, and is definitely worth a listen.
Announcement: Do you know what else makes me smile? This announcement! In one week -- starting Monday, January 21 -- Stuck In My Skull is moving back to blogger! That's right, we are abandoning Wordpress and moving back to! Set your bookmarks now, folks, because SIMS is going back to Blogger!
ETC #43 "Just Give Me a Reason"
Artist: P!nk Ft. Nate Reuss
Comments: Happy Monday, all. I am bringing a little bit of P!nk into the light today because as I have received a lot of music for Christmas and her CD, The Truth About Love, was one of them. This song is a single off her album that hasn't hit radio yet, and still has less than 100k in the way of views on Youtube, so you'll be ahead of the game on this one! Furthermore, I am sharing this because it does a couple of things that I really like; one is that it shows of Pink's voice a little bit more than some other songs. Wiki points out that it is more of a conversation than just a single perspective. As for the video, the couple is absolutely adorable (which is beside the point) but, I do like that the video was put in the perspective of the male instead of a female. Granted, she has her fair share in the video as well, but we get to see his point of view and him crying instead of the stereotypical girl view. If you all get a chance to listen to her CD I highly recommend it. She has some great up beat songs as well as some of her usual heart felt songs like this one. And for those of you like Eminem, he makes an appearance in her duet "Here Comes the Weekend". Happy listening!
Stuck In My Skull 364 -- "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, January 11, 2013 | 1/11/2013 12:00:00 AM
Comments: I have to admit, I'm not really a huge fan of Taylor Swift. Frankly, I think she's over-hyped and under-performs, and she wears the same 'shocked' face when people show up to her concerts today as she did years ago. With that being said, I cannot get this song out of my head. It's so catchy, and I just can't get rid of it. So, if any of you readers have recently had a breakup, here you go -- this song will probably be on your mind longer than your ex. Enjoy!
ETC #42 "Stay"
Artist: Florida Georgia Line
Comments: HAPPY FRIDAY! I'm sorry to say that this entry is going to be a bit short as I'm quite sleep deprived. This song was brought to me via a music app that I found. I fell in love with it and even though it's not anything extraordinary in it's sound or rhythm I found the lyrics to be wonderful. Just like the lyrics say if I could write you a love song and sing it to you everyday, I would if it would make you stay. This duo is similar to Love and Theft which has been posted here on the blog previously. However, this couple of men are newer to the scene than the first. Both are incredibly similar in sound. This song in particular is not a single off of their new album Here's to the Good Times that was released back at the beginning of December, but it's still good. There two singles, "Cruise" and "Here's to the Good Times" are both decent though I have to admit that I'm bias to the first one. Happy listening!
Written By amandathepanda on Thursday, January 10, 2013 | 1/10/2013 01:00:00 AM
Stuck In My Skull 363 -- "Kids"
Comments: Well, I'm breaking the 'all new stuff' streak. "Kids" is definitely not a new song, but boy is it a good one. It's catchy as all heck, and somehow comes out sounding cheerful despite the odd-at-best content. Just as a heads up, the video to this song is just plain weird, and gets a tad creepy after awhile. I suppose it's a great "this is your brain on drugs" PSA...
Stuck In My Skull 362 -- "Bad Wings"
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 | 1/09/2013 12:00:00 AM
Comments: Continuing on the theme of 'Things I Got Over The Holidays,' The Glitch Mob! I have long expressed my affection for this insane trio of musicians, but this song takes it to blistering new heights. I had it stuck in my head the other day, and I swear it was so loud! I felt this song in my soul. The crisp kick drum in my ears, the thrum of the bass deep in my chest, the ethereal voice and the piano melody dancing about my soul, everything. I didn't hear this song, I felt this song. I lived this song. This song reminds me why music is so beautiful. Enjoy!
ETC #41 "Renegade"
Artist: Styx
Comments: Hey there listeners. Today, I am bringing a little bit of rock into your Wednesday. To quote Maroon 5 "One more stupid love song I'll be sick," and this was a song that caught my attention earlier this week. The song starts out a bit slow, but there is nothing sad and depressing about this song. The Styx managed to pull off a song about a man running for his life and telling it all to his mother without it being, how do I put it...melancholy? Anyhow, the guitar is amazing in this song and coming from this band is to be expected. I have to admit I did a little background reading on this song, because I don't know much about the Styx. It was released back and '79 on their album Sing for the Day and is apparently a very successful hit of theirs that I just haven't heard. Now, the video that I have linked on here is a bit long because it's from one of their performances and includes slightly more than just this song. I picked it because it had pretty decent sound quality and is much more interesting to watch than a lyric video. Happy listening!
Written By amandathepanda on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 | 1/08/2013 06:56:00 AM
Stuck In My Skull 361 -- "My Blood"
Comments: Hello, all! I've been listening to this song quite a bit lately -- since I got the Halcyon album as a gift, I keep listening to it on repeat, and I've decided that this song is worth sharing. Actually, the entire album is worth sharing, but this is the one I ended up picking. It's a little less electronic and a little more folk than I think much of Ellie Goulding's work is, and definitely more so than the songs she releases as singles. It's a nice tune, a deep message, and fairly catchy. Enjoy!
Stuck In My Skull 360 -- "The Veldt"
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Monday, January 7, 2013 | 1/07/2013 12:00:00 AM
Comments: Good morning and happy Monday! To start the week off, I figured a nice, cheerful, upbeat song would be in order. Deadmau5 to the rescue! Having recently listened to his newest album (called " > album title goes here < "), I have to give the mau5 some serious props for successfully expanding his sound yet again. He manages to put down some really trance-inspired tracks on the album, such as this one, and even dishes up a rap song. If you get the chance, go take a listen. This track is eight solid minutes of happy and smiles -- enjoy!
ETC #40 "Remember When"
Artist: Chris Wallace
Comments: Happy Monday everyone. So I saw this song on Facebook recently, and have to say that the tune got stuck in my head. I have to admit that I am not familiar with him and therefore, not his music either. He was the lead singer of The White Tie Affair and they broke up so he went solo. His first album was released back in September and this is first single off of it. With his new attempted solo career we will be keeping an eye out to see how he does and what his future hits look like. His voice isn't very distinct, but he does this song well. This song doesn't have the happiest theme to it, but you wouldn't know it by the high tempo. Happy listening!
Stuck In My Skull 359: 90s Week, Part 5 — “Macarena”
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Friday, January 4, 2013 | 1/04/2013 03:41:00 AM
Comments: Aaaaah, I'm late again! I'm sorry! In return, have something incredibly catchy and smile-provoking! Honestly, I had no idea that the Macarena was from the 90s. In all fairness, I never really thought about it, so I don't know when I thought it was from, but I hadn't anticipated finding it on the 90s list. So, as I remember the awesome hair styles and fashions of the 90s, enjoy the song!
ETC #39 Double Feature! 90's Week
Song: "Mr. Jones"
Artist: Counting Crows
Comments: This first song is something that I had completely forgot about until I was watching VH1 some time ago. And I forgot how much I enjoyed this song. The lyrics are a bit crazy, but the tune is catchy and I can't say that I haven't had this song stuck in my head before. However, I will admit to not being able to remember majority of the words and I'm sure most people have had those songs stuck in the head where they can remember the beat and rhythm, but can only remember maybe a line or two of the words; this is one of those songs for me.
Song: 3 AM
Artist: Matchbox 20
Comments: This second song I bring to you because Matchbox 20 has a new single recently which can also be found on the blog. I just wanted to remind everyone that these guys have been around for a while. I forget how much I like this group until I listen to them again. I don't have much to say here, sorry guys I just really wanted to share this song with you. Happy listening!
Stuck In My Skull 358: 90s Week, Part 4 — “One Week"
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Thursday, January 3, 2013 | 1/03/2013 03:26:00 AM
Comments: Sorry about this post going up so late, everyone. I really did mean to write this last night, but I have a bad habit of misjudging how long I'm actually going to be awake. So, I have to admit to something -- I really don't know 90's music too well. So, I went and looked up hit songs from the 90s. While I wasn't surprised to have never have heard of most of the songs that came up, there were some that really did surprise me. This song, for example, was one of the songs that I thought was far more recent than 1998, so I'm quite glad that it's old enough to use this week. I like the Barenaked Ladies -- they're an upbeat band that can get a point across and make you smile at the same time. Their songs are never depressing, even the ones with a depressing message. I think the first song by them I ever heard was "If I had $1000000", but the first one that ever really got stuck in my head was "Who Needs Sleep?", which is fantastic. Enjoy!
Stuck In My Skull 357: 90s Week, Part 3 — “U Can't Touch This”
Written By Christopher Audiophile on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 1/02/2013 12:00:00 AM
Comments: It might be 2013, but it's still the 90's here at Stuck In My Skull! And we're so awesome that you can't touch this. I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist the pun. This song is so original it was the genre setter, and we're still talking about it all these years later. Normally, I like to try to describe the songs I write about, but chances are, you've probably heard it. Go listen again, and enjoy the nostalgia!
ETC #38 "Achy Breaky Heart" 90's Week
Artist: Billy Ray Cyrus
Comments: Hey all! I hope you enjoyed your New Years yesterday. And yes, I am really using this song. I have to admit to the nostalgia that comes along with this one. I am not afraid to admit to my singing and dancing to this song around my grandmother's house as a small child. Aside from that, this is still Billy Ray's most well known song and where he crossed lines of country and pop music by hitting #4 on the Billboard chart. Even if you don't like the song please take a second to watch the video and appreciate how very 90s it is. He's rockin' the mullet, there is something jean everywhere, and there is a woman wearing a bra and a jacket. The other song that I was going to share with y'all today was "Should've Been A Cowboy" by Toby Keith. This is another classic country song that I'm sure majority have heard or at least heard referenced at some point and if you haven't the video is hilarious and I encourage its viewing. A couple of random comments to make to y'all. First off, be prepared for a double feature on Friday. I'm being terribly indecisive because there is so much great music from this decade and so I'm providing two songs on the next entry. And the other thing is that I am contemplating going to daily entries and if any of you have a preference please let me know. Anyhow, happy listening!
Written By amandathepanda on Tuesday, January 1, 2013 | 1/01/2013 01:00:00 AM
Stuck In My Skull 356: 90s Week, Part 2 — “Little Fluffy Clouds”
Comments: For those of you who are in timezones where it is 2013, Happy New Years! Thank you to Amanda, who gave me this lovely little song. I keep running into The Orb, and this just cements in my mind that I really need to look more of their stuff up. Also, I had no idea that The Orb was this old! Cool! I love groups with staying power. Enjoy, and happy new year!