Artist: Drake feat. Rihanna
Comments: Hello everyone! It's Amanda again. Today's song was released back in February but as sometimes happens when I send Chris a new song he forgot about it and discovered it later on his own .So here I am, talking about one of my favorite songs of 2012 thus far. Admittedly, I had some doubts about Drake in the past but "Take Care" was a real game changer in my book. It features two incredibly successful recording artists in a dynamic duet and reveals a softer side of them both that music fans rarely get to see. The song in itself is a work of art. The lyrical content, the use of piano and drums, and the vocal performances delivered by Drake and Rihanna are astounding. The video lacks a storyline but instead relies heavily on breathtaking visuals to convey raw emotion. All-in-all, it's a sublime collaboration between two talented individuals. Enjoy the song and happy Friday!
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